Mr. Battaglia's Math

Glen Cove School District
Mr. Battaglia's Math AIS - Grades 1 & 2
My role as the Math AIS teacher is to provide your child with additional help with math. Typically I see your child two times per week but the schedule I've provided can be used for every day of the week. Follow the schedule below for Monday through Thursday. On Friday allow them to play games on the website or download a packet for 30 minutes. Please reply or send screen shots of your child's work to mbattaglia@glencoveschools.org
Math AIS Schedule - scroll down for more details
Monday - Thursday
5 Minute Math Sprint
10 Minutes IXL
15 Minutes Workbook Page
Friday - 20 minutes free play using this website
Math Sprint - 5 minutes
Print or download the correct packet.
Monday - Set a 3, 4 or 5 min timer and complete as many as you can before time runs out.
Tuesday do part B and try to get more done.
Wednesday do part C and try for even more!
Thursday do part D and try for even more!!
IXL - 10 minutes
I Excel (IXL) is a great learning tool to help with fluency in all categories for all ages.
1. Log in using your username and password given to you by your teacher
2. Choose the correct grade level
3. Choose the skill (you are assigned one for each day of the week)
IXL Schedule
Grade 1 - March 23 - 27 D1, D2, D3, D4, D5
Grade 1 - March 27 - Apr. 3 H1, H2, H3, H4, H5
Grade 1 - April 6 - April 10 C1, C2, C3, C4, C5
Grade 1 - April 13 - April 17 G1, G2, G3, G4, G5
Grade 1 - April 20 - April 24 U1, U2, U3, U4, U5
Grade 2 - March 23 - 27 P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
Grade 2 - March 27 - April 3 E1, E2, E3, E4, E5
Grade - 2 April 6 - April 10 F1, F2, F3, F4, F5
Grade 2 - April 13 - April 17 Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5
Grade 2 - April 20 - 24 A11, A12, A13, A14, A15
Click Here IXL for Computers/Laptops
Click Here IXL for Mobile Devices (free app)
Deasy and Gribbin students: Don't have your username and password? Email Mr. Battaglia at mbattaglia@glencoveschools.org
Weekly Packets
Print or download the correct packet.
Print out the correct packet for the week and work on it. Ask a parent or sibling or help if you need.
Weekly Packets
Grade 1 - Click Here for March 30 - April 3
Grade 1 - Click Here for April 6 - April 10
Grade 1 - Click Here for April 13 - 17
Go To Additional Fun Math Workbooks
Grade 2 - Click Here for March 30 - April 3
Grade 2 - Click Here for April 6 - April 10
Grade 2 - Click Here for April 13 - 17
Go To Additional Fun Math Workbooks